Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well I will try and make this review a wee less complex as the actual film, although I am not sure if it would be possible to make it that way as it is because it is one of those I am in a different world, place or plot every other scene or so. The movie stars Leonardo Decaprio (Cobb), Ellen Page (Adriadne- AKA commonly known as Juno as well I should add), Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others. The story is about Cobb a highly trained thief who is given a chance at a type of redemption through his plan and mission of inception. Well the movies entrenched complexity I think will keep you guessing and the special effects scenes from time to time are out of this world or should I say in another world. However it almost seemed to me the movie was trying so hard to be complex that the clarity levels or scenes could have been expanded, but I know there are some directors who think making questions is beautiful, so I guess it is all a matter of your preference. Anyhow I think this movie does a pretty nice job though you might leave a little perplex for a while and want to see it again possibly like I did; and I believe it probably contains enough elements of entertainment all around to go see it perhaps, so it is probably worth the ticket and I would agree that for matrix & sci fi types out there this one surely will have enough related content for you and should be a lot of fun.
Inception Trailer-


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