Bounty Hunter
This movie is a action, comedy, crime, romance movie directed by Andy Tennant, starring Jennifer Aniston (Nicole Hurley), Gerald Butler (Milo Hurley), Jason Sudeikis (Stewart) and others. The movie title is pretty straight forward as it is about a bounty hunter, but whom is involved in a unique twist as the next person he is bringing in is his reporter, ex-wife whom has issues as she is on the run because of a crime cover up story. Well just to let you know Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave this movie a 8 percent out of 100, but I might not go that far. I think in comparison to some of the great Hollywood comedies this one was a little low on laugh out loud moments however it did seem to have a aurora of goofiness because the silly expanding plot in the matrix of things. The story was also not the least predictable movie either as far as what was going on with the two main characters but I think between the humor at times, creative or relatively new story plot for comedy, amusingly agitated characters that this movie is perhaps more so in the 7 or so range in comparison to other comedies this year, so I did believe it was actually pretty good.
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