Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Land of the Lost

Land of the lost is a sci fi, adventure, comedy starring Will Ferrell (Dr. Rick Marshall), Anna Friel (Holly Cantrell), Danny McBride (Will Stanton) and others. The story line is that Dr. Marshall, Holly and Will are sucked in a time vortex and are transported into the Land of Lost, a place filled with the likes of dinosaurs and other unique characters. I think for me this might have been the funniest Will Ferrell movie yet. And on a side note I think if anyone asks me randomly how I would go about surviving on a entirely remote island I think I would now say perhaps by having Will Ferrell act like the hilarious somewhat pinhead character like Dr. Marshall with me somehow. And also what I might eat possibly would be Cha-Ka on this remote island, but you will have to see the movie to get that joke. Okay enough joking around and back to what I get paid the big bucks for now. So I think I can summarize this movie here in a few lines. I just thought the movie was funny, non-dull, had cool scenes and effects so I don't think you could go to wrong if you pick this great comedy in theaters.


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