Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Kings Speech

This biography, drama, history movie is the story of King George VI whom inherits the throne, as his ever important goal of speaking better publicly becomes more crucial. I know that the people who created this movie did well at the Oscars, such as the director Tom Hooper, as well as the actors and actresses, like Colin Firth (King George VI), Helena Bonham Carter (Queen Elizabeth), Derek Jacobi (Archbishop Cosmo Lang) and so forth. The movie was a little dry at times but on the whole I though they stretched the story line of the movie out efficiently: an interesting royal king who when speaks is hoping to make audiences cry but instead words fly like drivel from a fountain with a broken plumbing system. Anyhow the fact that this movie was a true story and there were a few hilarious scenes like when the the king is practicing his warm up speaking in his lessons. So yeah I would certainly recommend this movie as it is a significant piece of European history and now a significant piece of movie history all over as it raked in the recent Hollywood academy award points!!


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