Monday, January 17, 2011

Season of the Witch

This adventure, drama, fantasy movie was directed by Dominic Sena and stars Nicolas Cage (Behmen), Ron Perlman (Felson) and others. In this story 14th century knights transport a suspected witch for a trial and embark on a creepy adventure that reveals all sorts of surprises. Well do I think the movie was in some a way a bit silly, yes; and it was also a movie that although I was not exactly terrified watching but some of the characters in it if I saw them outside of the cinema I would probably become paralyzed with surprise, be unable to move and awkwardly be standing there yelling in shock at their blood curling, ghastly appearances, my goodness! So what I am getting at here is that the movie was fun to watch because you know it is not real life, my golly, and I believe it did manage a way to have a alright story to it, which kind of acted like a roller coaster ride of suspense; although I am not into demonic movies generally cause I believe they typically just have to many weird vibes but this one was not to bad in that category so it seems. So my grade for this movie would probably be about a B-, but I just want to say that if you think it is higher good for you cause I am not sure if there in actuality always truly any right or wrong answers in this movie review business.


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