Friday, June 27, 2008


This animation, comedy, family, romance movie was directed by Andrew Stanton and stars the voices of Ben Burt (Walle-E M-O), Elissa Knight (Eve), Jeff Garlin (Captain) and others. The movie is about Wall-E who lives in the year 2700 and comes to find out what the job that Wall-E does is all about. The movie was interesting and actually I think in someways is connected to possible realities and I think the movie being animation made some of the possible realities less dramatic. But anyhow the movie was fun, likable and dynamic with the futuristic perspective. It also was a romance movie but between computer type beings so I am not sure if you can call that a chick flick but I am sure chicks will still think that is cute. So anyhow I don't think you can go wrong seeing this movie unless you don't want to see a real sci fi plot or animation movie went at the theaters.


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