Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Iron Man

This movie was directed by Jon Favreau and is an action, drama, sci fi, adventure and thriller movie. The movie stars Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Ironman) Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger), Terrence Howard (Jim Rhodes), Gweneth Paltrow (Virginia 'Pepper' Potts) and others. The movie is about Tony Stark the big shot of Stark Weapons who goes through a near death incident as a hostage, which offers him a different idea on using his technology to fight the bad guys as Iron Man. I thought that the movie played out well, how the conflict comes together among the characters. I could guess a couple of small things before they happened but I think that is just what happens when you watch a lot of movies like myself. I think this movie was about as good as any other popular superhero movie. I also would say it seemed mostly similar to the last Batman movie with Christian Bale where you have the superhero, with the money, mansion, popularity and so forth. Although I think Batman was a bit cooler and less sketchy since he did not become a billionaire from making weapons like Tony Stark. The movie widened my knowledge of the kind because I am pretty sure this was the first Iron Man movie in theaters. So finally overall I will just say the movie for me was packed with an unhealthy amount of candy, popcorn, soda but a healthy enough supply of iron.


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