Monday, March 24, 2008


This movie was directed by Masayuki Ochiai and is a horror, mystery and thriller movie. The movie stars Joshua Jackson (Benjamin Shaw), Rachael Taylor (Jane Shaw), Megumi Okina (Megumi Tanaka) and others. The movie is about a newly married couple finding ghostly images in photographs that come about after a car accident and the pictures then of course lead to a unwinding mystery. I have to say this movie was pretty scary but somehow it was also filled with scenes that I was able to make jokes out of. For instance it seemed to me that the characters were incredibly brave while dealing with their ghostly circumstance, were as in real life for me I would have a supply of diapers when dealing with this type of problem. At first the movie did not seem scary to me but it was filled with some serious horror type scenes by the end. I did think the idea of the story was cool in certain ways like the idea of all these mysterious photographs in a horror movie. But anyhow I don't know if all the story was convincing for actually happening supernatural things, but it was still fun to watch, with some cool scenes and a more complex story then a lot of horror movies. So I thought this movie was pretty cool.


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